Portal 2 after elevator shaft
Portal 2 after elevator shaft

That's a complete different thing than the one I could extract from your first post Quote from josepezdj on January 16, 2013, 11:33 am OFFTOPIC: I don't know why that signature that says "i don't know what is brush but herd it alot" is there, i didn't written it! And i can't remove it! Please help me, this has stopped my whole project.ĮDIT: And about the arrival elevator, i spawn in the middle of my map and not inside the elevator. I think maybe the game is reading a elevator_motifs in the vpk instead of the one in the folder, but im not sure. I did modify both the transition list and the elevator motifs properly, i did even use a syntax checker to confirm it has no errors. The error the console gives is: Level not found in elevator motifs. My arrival and departure elevators are not working at all. My plan is create my very first Portal 2 Map Pack but i'm stuck becouse of a little, simple problem. I've been using Hammer for a year and i think i know how to work with it.

portal 2 after elevator shaft portal 2 after elevator shaft

Hello! My name is joatoche and im new on this community. Quote from joatoche on January 16, 2013, 10:39 am

Portal 2 after elevator shaft